Ενιαίος Female σε United States, , Μονάδες στο Florida, Miami Beach Female

Saraknight: are you looking for me?...
Αναζητώντας: Αρσενικός Ηλικία 40 προς την 88
Κατάσταση: 48 Μονόκλινο Ευθεία Θηλυκός
Ενδιαφέρον για: Μακροχρόνια σχέση
Εθνικότητα: Λευκός/Καυκάσιος
Ζωή: Ζήστε μόνος μου
Eye Catcher: Οπλα
Υψος: 5'5 ίντσες
Σώμα: Κοκαλιάρης
Μαλλιά/Μάτια: Ξανθιά, Μπλε
Καπνός: Με τιποτα
Ποτό: Ενίοτε
Ασκηση 2 φορές την εβδομάδα
Πολιτική: Κανένας
Εκπαίδευση: Κάποιο Κολέγιο
Θρησκεία: Χριστιανός
Εισόδημα: $25.001 έως $45.000
Κατοχή: Sales
Απόγονος: Κανένας
Προσωπικότητα: Περιπέτεια
Χώρα: United States

I am essentially a happy person.

I find my joy in the pleasure that friends and family bring to my life. In knowing that each new day is an opportunity to make a difference in someones life. That happiness is a choice we must consciously make everyday.

I try to accept my shortcomings and emphasize my assets. I try to handle disappointment with aplomb, and celebrate my own triumphs and those of others. I treat my family and friends with the respect and love they deserve. Im not afraid to speak my mind when my opinion is direct, tactful, and wellinformed. I know to remain silent when the situation requires.

I am by nature very nurturing, sensitive, and levelheaded. Yet I appreciate spontaneity particularly when it comes to romance. I strive to be defined by the strength of my resolve and the truth of my word. I can laugh at myself and have been known to cry when its necessary. I enjoy making others feel comfortable and safe around me.

I love to make babies laugh in the supermarket or restaurants. Love guys that smell like soap. Hate B.O. and sore throats. Love good teeth. Hate unprovoked bitchiness. Love a witty retort.