I seek not to rebuild my man, but to lead him so he becomes a better man, with my support. I dont care about the age as I have seen many successful relationships where people had big or even huge age

Ashcareheart: looking for something serious...
Αναζητώντας: Αρσενικός Ηλικία 55 προς την 90
Κατάσταση: 47 Μονόκλινο Ευθεία Θηλυκός
Ενδιαφέρον για: Μακροχρόνια σχέση
Εθνικότητα: Λευκός/Καυκάσιος
Ζωή: Ζήστε μαζί με τα παιδιά μου
Eye Catcher: Μάτια
Υψος: 5'4 ίντσες
Σώμα: Μέση τιμή
Μαλλιά/Μάτια: Ξανθιά, καφέ
Καπνός: Με τιποτα
Ποτό: Ποτέ μην το αγγίζετε
Ασκηση 2 φορές την εβδομάδα
Πολιτική: Κανένας
Εκπαίδευση: Κάποιο Κολέγιο
Θρησκεία: Χριστιανός
Εισόδημα: Λιγότερο από $15.000
Κατοχή: Caterer
Απόγονος: No Answer
Προσωπικότητα: Περιπέτεια
Χώρα: United States

I seek not to rebuild my man, but to lead him so he becomes a better man, with my support. I dont care about the age as I have seen many successful relationships where people had big or even huge age difference. It is more important how you feel inside than your actual age and this rule is always working. I really dont understand those people who are afraid to have relationships because of age difference. We live only once, so why no to try something that would lead you to the love of your life? I know that most men are thinking that beautiful ladies need someone with big muscles and big wallet, but it is far from being true. I dont care if you are poor or in what physical conditions you are. As true man is not about beauty or his job. It is about his kind heart and the way he is treating people around him. If you have a kind heart and want to have honest and loyal relationships full of love and support than you are my type. As our beauty is always fading with a! time, but our inner beauty is with us forever.

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