Im a man with a huge sense of Love for humanity, and more so I try everything within my means to treat everyone that I come across right. Im raised by parents who inculcated into me that the virtues

Maggie4: love is a beautiful thing...
Αναζητώντας: No Answer Ηλικία 18 προς την 90
Κατάσταση: 44 Μονόκλινο Ευθεία Αρσενικός
Ενδιαφέρον για: Γάμος
Εθνικότητα: Μαύρο/Αφρικανικό
Ζωή: Ζήστε μόνος μου
Eye Catcher: Μάτια
Υψος: 6'2 ίντσες
Σώμα: Αθλητικός και γραμμωμένος
Μαλλιά/Μάτια: Φαλακρός, Μαύρος
Καπνός: Με τιποτα
Ποτό: Ενίοτε
Ασκηση Ωρες ωρες
Πολιτική: Κανένας
Εκπαίδευση: Πτυχίο
Θρησκεία: Χριστιανός
Εισόδημα: Λιγότερο από $15.000
Κατοχή: Biochemist
Απόγονος: Κανένας
Προσωπικότητα: Αστεία
Χώρα: Nigeria

Im a man with a huge sense of Love for humanity, and more so I try everything within my means to treat everyone that I come across right. Im raised by parents who inculcated into me that the virtues of Love, kindness, care, respect and honesty, towards others will always breed happiness and self fulfilment. brbrHence, Ive lived with this principles, loving, caring , respecting and treating anyone and everyone that I meet in the best humane manner.brAlso, I learned from my father that women are wonderful beings, very lovely to be with and very fragile and delicate. brbr Therefore, a woman deserves to be handled with utmost care, love and respect, for in a woman lies the ultimate power to a mans happiness.

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