Ενιαίος Male σε United States, , Μονάδες στο North Carolina, Sanford Male

Mariner75: beauty alone does not make a woman...
Αναζητώντας: Θηλυκός Ηλικία 35 προς την 70
Κατάσταση: 54 Μονόκλινο Ευθεία Αρσενικός
Ενδιαφέρον για: Μακροχρόνια σχέση
Εθνικότητα: Λευκός/Καυκάσιος
Ζωή: Ζήστε μόνος μου
Eye Catcher: Μαλλιά
Υψος: 6'1 ίντσες
Σώμα: Αθλητικός και γραμμωμένος
Μαλλιά/Μάτια: Μαύρος, Μαύρος
Καπνός: Με τιποτα
Ποτό: Μόνο κοινωνικά
Ασκηση 2 φορές την εβδομάδα
Πολιτική: Συντηρητικός
Εκπαίδευση: Πτυχίο
Θρησκεία: Χριστιανός
Εισόδημα: $65.001 έως $85.000
Κατοχή: Marine Engineer
Απόγονος: 1 παιδί
Προσωπικότητα: Κωμικός
Χώρα: United States

Im David but friends call me Dave and im 47yrs old from Sanford, NC.I have a daughter, 10yrs old and im a widowed.Im honest, caring, loving, compassionate and hopeless romantic man and looking for the same in a woman.
More about me.
The word that describes me best is loyal and the best way to get my attention is to have a great sense of humor.My outlook on life?I say "sometimes you just gotta laugh." I enjoy Music, Movies, Disneyland, Dining Out and pets.Im affectionate, approachable, optimistic, caring and reliable with the ability to combine and balance enthusiasm and patience.Im passionate about the people and things in my life and can be flexible and diplomatic when the situation calls for it because Im not the type of person who holds a grudge.The thing I am most grateful for in life, is its everyday challenges.Then of course there is my "personal time".I enjoy my personal time with someone special along with fun, friendly relationships and will consistently inspire.I tend to look at the things in common, rather then key in on the differences and appreciate this quality in others.Having done all that, I always look forward to what comes next.
1. Honesty seems to be the thing people lack the most in life.Honesty is also the one thing I must have in a relationship and I will not settle for less.Im honest, I deserve what I convey.All trust is destroyed in the moment of dishonesty.
2. Communication is second.If you do not have the ability to communicate about anything good or bad, then what is the point as you will never resolve anything in a relationship.