Ενιαίος Male σε United States, , Μονάδες στο California, Fresno Male

Quest4love: hello...
Αναζητώντας: Θηλυκός Ηλικία 60 προς την 90
Κατάσταση: 66 Μονόκλινο Ευθεία Αρσενικός
Ενδιαφέρον για: Μακροχρόνια σχέση
Εθνικότητα: Λατίνο/Ισπανόφωνος
Ζωή: Ζήστε μόνος μου
Eye Catcher: Μάτια
Υψος: 5'10 ίντσες
Σώμα: Μέση τιμή
Μαλλιά/Μάτια: Μαύρος, Μαύρος
Καπνός: Με τιποτα
Ποτό: Ενίοτε
Ασκηση 2 φορές την εβδομάδα
Πολιτική: Φιλελεύθερος
Εκπαίδευση: Το πτυχίο του συνεργάτη
Θρησκεία: Χριστιανός
Εισόδημα: $65.001 έως $85.000
Κατοχή: Engineer
Απόγονος: 1 παιδί
Προσωπικότητα: Περιπέτεια
Χώρα: United States

I grew up exposed to a multitude of opportunities whether it be traveling education sports football baseball track etc lessons in lots of areas piano tennis horseback etc and although by nature I prefer the casual I am comfortable in the entire spectrum of life casual to formal I enjoy sports physical activity hiking body surfing bike riding etc the beach and mountains water and snow skiing and also appreciate and attend live theater and concerts I enjoy listening to music of most every type music is a terrific release for the soul Very important is a sense of humor and the ability to be silly not take things too seriously I relish stimulating conversations on just about any topic large or small that involve an exchange of information in an accepting environment that is always imbued with humor I own a dog who is a terrific companion It is all about balance sustainable life does not live long at either extreme I am told that I am a very good listener And almost most of all I can think of nothing better than tightly embracing and caressing the one with whom I am emotionally and physically connected with nothing but skin touching There is no better warmth and contentment